Ode to Grilled Cheese | Teen Ink

Ode to Grilled Cheese

May 7, 2012
By Anonymous

O how delightful one sandwich can be,
Delicious, decadent filled and stuffed with vitamin B.
The churned margarine, all golden and smooth,
And the steel knife, so very silvered and bright.
A golden mixture of churned milk is then slopped on so gently,
Just like buttercream on a cooling baked cake.
Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle
The metal pan has been set
For the arrival of bread, buttered down wet.
O how the cheddar flows so gracefully
Through wheat flavored slices, all tanned to perfection.
Three, two, one, lift!
The molded plastic flat head has soon found its place
As a shining white knight grips his chainmail and mace.
The majestic beast is tamed once again
With the simple twist and flip of the hand.
A sweet aroma fills the air with itself,
O how lovely this masterpiece is becoming
With patience and grace, the deed is nearly done.
The sandwich has been respectfully treated,
Just as the cattle to Helios, God of the Sun.
The wheat has toasted, the cheese a smooth holy cream,
Egg-shell white porcelain platters have been set out,
All is set for the beast bursting with cheddar at the seams.
The breast is boiling; the crust crumbles at the slightest touch,
The time has come to finally indulge.
Aged cheddar disintegrates as it enters your mouth,
It’s way better than any food from home down south.
O how delighting this adventure turned out,
Maybe one more bite will do you well,
You’ve already answered before time dawned.
Perhaps you probably should.

The author's comments:
i just really like grilled cheese ok

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 9 2012 at 3:03 pm
mwurzer4 DIAMOND, Rochester, New York
65 articles 0 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Thou! thy truest type of grief is the gently falling leaf."
-Edgar Allan Poe

very creative, i love it!!! :)