From Rags to Riches | Teen Ink

From Rags to Riches

May 1, 2012
By SoccerLover17 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
SoccerLover17 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
What doesnt kill you makes you stronger

From bottom to top
from last to first
from ghetto to nice communities
I thought it would never happen
But it did
making me believe that "Si Se Puede" wasn't just another saying they said to us kids from the neighborhood that wasn't great.
I went from not knowing what I was going to do for my college career to getting the best you could get. Practically a full ride, and no i'm not bragging, i'm just saying that it can be done. I really thought it couldn't be done at all, wondering to my self what made me so special, to get so much money from the government? Why would the Government notice a boy born in a small town, being Hispanic, being a first generation High School Graduate? What made me stand out from the pack? from the general population? And I still wonder to myself about this question but in a way I don't want to find the answer out, because whats done is done and i'm going from rags to riches

The author's comments:
Si Se Puede isn't something that's impossible

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