Simple Things | Teen Ink

Simple Things

April 23, 2012
By Honey1 BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
Honey1 BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’ll miss the way the stars light up the sky,
how the moon comes into focus while the sun is still up,
the bright trees in autumn,
and warm summer nights.

I’ll miss ice cream and Honey,
laughing my butt off over nothing,
getting yelled at for being loud in libraries,
and breaking rules.

I’ll miss the first snowfall every winter,
chirping birds in the spring,
dancing in the rain during summer,
and starting school in the fall.

I’ll miss his crooked teeth,
jumping in puddles,
burning my feet on the black top,
and silence.

I’ll miss taking silly pictures,
singing in the shower,
taking long walks at dusk,
and the wind blowing through my hair.

I’ll miss all these simple things, and more
like sleeping, and loving, and relaxing.
There is so much to leave behind,
but to move on, you have to be willing to say good-bye.
It’s my time to start living.

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