Optimism | Teen Ink


April 23, 2012
By pinklover BRONZE, Destrehan, Louisiana
pinklover BRONZE, Destrehan, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As you attempt your first step
Off-balanced as can be
You have the pride of a lion
And the height of a tree
Even when you fall
You must continue to try
Instead of moping around
And starting to cry

You grow a bit older
And attempt a new task
Soon you will find
No job is to last
You may get fired
But have no fear
Hold your head high
For a new one will appear

Now you have a kid
And they are just like you
But whenever you fight
They say “I hate you”
Even though you feel bad
You should not worry
They will grow up just fine
And the past will be blurry

As you become an elder
You see the world in new eyes
Ways you’ve never imagined
But have made you wise
You are not afraid
For when death decides to come
You know your family loves you
And who you have become

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