Halcyon Days | Teen Ink

Halcyon Days

April 23, 2012
By Sherm PLATINUM, Norco, Louisiana
Sherm PLATINUM, Norco, Louisiana
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Are we waiting for God or for Godot?

I once was able to be happy.
I once was able to smile.
I used to laugh with friends.
I used to look in the mirror.
I always looked forward to the next day.

But those days have long diminished,
They've given rise to despair and loneliness.
I can only live if I'm perfect,
Each imperfection must be removed.
Only punishment can bring repentance for my sins.

Every day now brings a new cut,
Every week now brings a new break,
Every moment now brings a new reason to die.
What once were eyes full of life,
Have now been replaced by blackened stares.

Why do they still care about me?
I abhor myself.
Why do they want me to eat?
I deserve to starve.
Why do they protect me from death?
I'm worthless except to serve.

I am not human anymore,
I don't deserve to be,
I deserve to rot away.
I can only say one this:
Farewell halcyon days.

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