It Was Beautiful. | Teen Ink

It Was Beautiful.

May 2, 2012
By IzzieMae0613 BRONZE, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin
IzzieMae0613 BRONZE, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"God is faithful. And in his faithfulness, he reminds us that in doing good, you shall get weary. There's no sin in getting weary.. The sin is giving up." -unknown

To her, it was radiant.
But to everyone else, it was beleaguering.
All it was, was a saffron corporeality
that popped up suddenly in the spring,
invading everyone's lawns, parks, grass, everywhere.
But in her eyes, it was simply stunning,
it had a mystical tint to it.
Its artisty had a way of luring her to
its angelic petals, its impeccable structive.
And after awhile, if you'd just wait,
it transformed into a completely different
structure, it seemed almost magical,
to go from a ocher color to pieces of blanched dust,
giving people the chance to "make a wish" and blow it away,
just sort of amazed her.
Although it burst into everyone's lawns,
she thought it was like an adumbration
from summer murmering "I'm almost here".
She can't pick only one reason why,
she just simply loved it.

The author's comments:
If you haven't guessed by now, this poem is about a dandelion. I had to write a poem about something that was beautiful to me, but i couldn't use the word "beautiful".

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