Eyes of an enemy | Teen Ink

Eyes of an enemy

April 29, 2012
By Baileyclevenger BRONZE, Loveland, Colorado
Baileyclevenger BRONZE, Loveland, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Nameless, she soars like a predatory bird
Nameless, her eyes dart about
Selecting her prey relentlessly
Without morals to copout

This siren, this zeppelin is simply a machine
Who’s given her orders from so called heroes
Blind to the whites of their enemy’s eyes
As they’re soaring above ground zero

From cloud nine, they will press that red button
Zombies to the government’s requests
Blind to the lives they will hastily thieve
Blind to their wounded chests

When did this narcissistic blood spill become justified?
When did the foliage of the compassionless grow to be so dense?
Why must such prestigious honor
Come at our neighbor’s expense?

When eyes are locked with the man who stands tall facing ones gun
It is clear, the enemy is a human, suddenly gaining a heart, a story, a life of value
A gun is lowered, a life may be spared
And all is different once you look into the eyes of an enemy

Behind every face is a story
Beneath every body is a heart
We forget that we all were created equal
We forget that we all love

The author's comments:
I wrote this for a creative writing assignment, we were supposed to base the poem off of one letter. I was given Z, and thought of zeppelin, inspiring this peice.

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on May. 6 2012 at 4:06 pm
pianokeysevie SILVER, Clinton, Maryland
6 articles 0 photos 50 comments

Favorite Quote:
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam

this is really good.. i like how you use the figurative stuff so well.. keep it up:)