Time to Dance | Teen Ink

Time to Dance

April 17, 2012
By liljosie85 BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
liljosie85 BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
everything happens for a reason.

ONE shot for the glory, the job, the part. it only takes a second to captivate the audience, but the rest of the routine to keep them. performing means completely committing yourself. everything, TWO arms and legs, one mind, and one heart. It doesn't matter whether it's a solo and you are alone, a duet, or a trio. THREE must dance as one. one family free from individuals. all must become one ensemble and move together. one step backwards and FOUR steps forward. all plié-ing on FIVE and leaping on SIX. together till the end of the run. time flies quickly throughout the periods of workshops, rehearsals, and shows. Years become months which become weeks. then all the time you have left with your family is a week. SEVEN days. So cherish every EIGHT count you're given on stage because on day  it will be nothing but a memory which lives in the past. 

The author's comments:
I've danced for over 12 years. I've been in countless shows and routines, but this is the first piece I've written about dance. I don't know why I had never written anything about dance before but I thought it's better late than never!

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