Colors of the Seasons | Teen Ink

Colors of the Seasons

April 10, 2012
By JT__17 SILVER, Clearwater, Florida
JT__17 SILVER, Clearwater, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Autumn brings the oranges.
Not the summer-sunset oranges,
But the burnt oranges of the fallen leaves.
The kind of oranges that make you imagine small trick-or-treaters knocking at your door, and picture the jack-o-lantern on your window sill, wickedly smiling back at you.
The oranges where you can smell the pumpkin pie weeks before Thanksgiving.
The warm oranges of your family gathered together at your grandmother’s house one special day of the year.
Autumn brings the oranges.

Winter brings the reds.
Not the crisp-autumn-apple reds,
But the metallic reds of the bows that adorn carefully wrapped gifts under a pine tree.
The reds of the spiraling stripe on a candy cane: one that leaves the overpowering flavor of peppermint lingering in your mouth.
The bright reds where you can see the festive holiday lights that line the edges of many houses,
And hear the crackling of wood in a fire ablaze.
Winter brings the reds.

Spring brings the greens.
Not the winter-wrapping-paper greens,
But the vibrant greens of the leaves returning to the trees once again.
The kind of greens that make you envision thousands of stems-sturdy and tall-supporting the rapidly blooming flowers and fill the air with
The aroma of newly mowed grass
And tulips and roses.
The greens where all of nature is alive at once.
Spring brings the greens.

Summer brings the blues.
Not the birds-are-singing-spring-songs blues,
But the serene blues of the vast ocean that stretches before you, leaping your toes as you wander along the shoreline.
The relaxed blues that make you think of cornflower fields that go on forever, aligned into hundreds and thousands of rows.
The blues of gazing into the endless sky and getting lost in it for hours.
The disappointed blues that arrive with the last days of the season.
Summer brings the blues.

Autumn again brings the oranges, then after winter with the reds.
Arriving with spring-the greens, and then the blues that come with summer.
These colors of the seasons create the rainbow of a year.

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