Power | Teen Ink


April 23, 2012
By TheOtherNick BRONZE, Lakeville, Minnesota
TheOtherNick BRONZE, Lakeville, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

Power, is a dangerous thing.
It takes on the shape of many things,
and it has the ability to create, or destroy.
Take fire, for example.
Fire is one of the strongest elements.
It is the light in the darkness;
the force that breathes life into us.
Fire is that unseen drive in all of us,
that compels us to keep on going.
But it is also a terrible thing.
Fire has the power to consume everything;
from our hearts, to our homes, and our loved ones;
from our hopes and dreams, to everything we stand for.
Fire is power, and power is a dangerous thing.

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