your love is a drug | Teen Ink

your love is a drug

April 16, 2012
By l.o.v.e SILVER, Columbus, Ohio
l.o.v.e SILVER, Columbus, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your love is a drug,a addiction that i can not over come.
Your love is a bad addiction.
You can take your toxic love,because I'm going to rehab.
Your love has bad side effects that may cause a broken heart,to many tears, open wounds,and lonely nights.
your love is a drug nobody should try.
Your love is a drug i took to many time.
All this time i was to high off your love to see that you are a bad drug.
A drug that is spinning me down in a spiral fast.
Your drug is like jumping out a plane,you get a rush ,a feeling that you never experienced before,but when you touch the ground you realized that rush was, fear.That freedom i felt was not freedom.
your love is a drug that i will overcome.

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