Even Loss Violates Inner Society | Teen Ink

Even Loss Violates Inner Society

April 16, 2012
By Anonymous

Everybody's got it.
Dancing shoes. Flaming grills.
"Don't forget to wash your hands before dinner!"
Monopoly houses.
They are everywhere.
The same front porches, sharp green grass, cut the hedges just so.
"Wait! Don't put that hedge there! Look where the neighbors put theirs!"
I wave my hand as the onlookers pass. "Hi, Margie!"
A smile and a nod are shared. Are those earrings real? Where did she get them? Harry can't afford those. A very mad affair perhaps? Looks like I have new gossip to share at the next barbeque.
Oh dear me the TV! Three channels.
Why so few?
Elvis is on! He sings a sweet melody. all the girls scream. So loud. It won't stop.
Please stop. I'd like to actually hear him sing.
Oh, wait that's me screaming.
Dinner must be prepared before the husband gets home.
Is my hair all right?
Elvis is still singing.
The girls are still screaming.
Flames ignite from the TV. Probably from overuse.
Before the screen bursts Elvis's voice rings out. "What a lovely way to burn," he says.
What a lovely way to burn indeed.
Winston will not be happy about the TV though.

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