The Weary Arctic Traveler | Teen Ink

The Weary Arctic Traveler

April 20, 2012
By Cedric Newkirk BRONZE, Lawton, Oklahoma
Cedric Newkirk BRONZE, Lawton, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Traversing the frost bitten tundra
Her white fur near invisible in her surroundings
She toughs the snowy wasteland
And braves the worst of blizzards

Her four burly paws root her to the frozen ground
While the wild wind howls fiercely around her
It shakes her, rattles her bones, nips at her skin
Yet her body can withstand such punishment

The Weary Arctic Traveler covers many miles
In search for a place to call home
Away from all the blizzards, Tundra, and Punishing winds
She will eventually find on her seemingly endless journey

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