Clear as Rain | Teen Ink

Clear as Rain

April 18, 2012
By tamequa21 BRONZE, Camden, New York
tamequa21 BRONZE, Camden, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Clear as rain, an unseen wall
Guarding her darkest obsessions
Here and now this is it
The end to her oppression

Standing tall but falling hard
The ground slips beneath her
Digging in with one last breath
Refusing to defer

Tangled, twisted and contorted
The mind of a believer
Broken down and battered
But who did really see her?

Time is ticking for revenge
Her body feels sensation
Deep beneath her sweet décor
A dire formation

Straight ahead her future waits
This is her oasis
One must go before she’s done
A life that hers replaces

Slowly, surely she makes her move
Unseen by all who chose to ignore it
From behind her back she pulls the gun
And fires straight towards her target

Screams escape and fill the air
One girl falls and hits the floor
She has won this game in the end
As she bolts through the door

She sits and laughs to herself
Questions flooding the room
She shakes her head and stares ahead
The victim chose her doom

Every day she walked the halls
Holding in her wrath
People talked and whispered
Because she walked a different path

Her torment is now over
The main source has been depleted
One life ends another begins
A story of the once defeated

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