Breast Cancer | Teen Ink

Breast Cancer

April 19, 2012
By LadyDi SILVER, Springfield, Illinois
LadyDi SILVER, Springfield, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't hate the player, hate the game."

You feel the lump.
It’s hard to hide;
nobody knows the pain you feel inside.

The doctors tell you everything will be okay,
but your still wondering if you’ll see another day

Trying to hide your feelings but it doesn’t go throught;
you pray that God will open a door for you.
Worrying about what others might say,
not knowing it’s all going to be okay.

When you see the Ribbon you remember the pain,
not knowing how to feel or who to blame,
thinking that death was calling your name,
when really God was easing your pain.

As the healing is finished and the pain is gone,
you’re ready to leap for joy and sing a song.
The clouds have gotten pretty and the sky baby blue;
you finally realized a door opened for you.

The author's comments:
I had to write a poem for my Language Arts class, so I decided to write one about Breast Cancer. Which around this time my mom was battling Breast Cancer.

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