If You Were a. . . . | Teen Ink

If You Were a. . . .

April 9, 2012
By Megan1231 BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
Megan1231 BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you were an artist, could I be your painting with just the right curves and beauty? If you were a musician, could I be your ballad with music that would bring me to tears? If you were a writer, could I be your words of inspiration? If you were a heart, could I be your lively thumping beat? If you were a pair of feet, could I be the walk you make? If you were lungs, could I be the air you breathed? If you were soft smooth skin, could I be the one to touch you? If you were a hand, could I be the one you hold onto forever more? If you were spring, could I be your flowers? If you were the sky, could I be your bright yellow sun? If you were the ocean, could I be your waves? If you were nature, could I be your purity? If you were time, could I be the one to slow you down? If you were happiness, could I be your smile and laughter? If you were a journey, could I be your destination? If you were a lover, could I be your one love who is most passionate? If you were a man, could I be your perfect woman? If you were a lifetime, could I be the one you spend it with?

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this while watching the Titantic while the two lovers and being free and fun. And when the young girl asks the boy to draw her naked this poem is what came to mind.

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