I Remember | Teen Ink

I Remember

April 11, 2012
By JenniferBreaker SILVER, Vancouver, Washington
JenniferBreaker SILVER, Vancouver, Washington
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I remember the speed inside that bright pink Barbie jeep.
I remember the Scooby Doo birthday parties.
I remember crying every first day of school.
I remember hot tomato soup lunch’s and half days of school.
I remember the yellow rubber ball kids would bounce against the wall.
I remember the reading buddies, and gross lunch food.
I remember the fear of moving into a larger school.
I remember all the fights and lock downs.
I remember the day my palm hit the large white ball.
I remember the servers that helped win it all.
I remember the bat against the ball.
I remember the throw downs and diving for the ball.
I remember the long car rides and hot summer air.
I remember first day freshman year.
I remember the thoughts of when I was younger.
I remember the first drive with my sixteen year old sister.
I remember the last time I spoke to my grandmother.
Some things I wish to forget, others I long to remember.

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