Forgiveness | Teen Ink


April 11, 2012
By RAWR8 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
RAWR8 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Notice what no one else notices, and you'll know what no one else knows.

I am going to forgive you father
For every time biking came before me
And you left instead of being with me.
I see the joy cycling brings to you
Why don’t my words do the same?

I am going to forgive you father
For all the extra hours spent at work
While you could’ve been getting to know me.
For every business trip
And every band concert missed.

I am going to forgive you father
For each time you favored Chloe
And the lack of love Alex has felt.
I’ve watched him cry with closed eyes
Over the neglect you have brought to him.

I can forgive you father
For all the great times overrule the bad
For when you cried when I received my black belt
I could tell in your eyes you were proud

I can forgive you father
Because you take care of me
And you always make sure I am set up for the future
You keep food on the table, and clothes in my drawers

I do forgive you father
For all the attention I feel I’ve lacked from you
Because I do know you love me
I just wish you would show it.

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