The Weak Grow STRONG | Teen Ink

The Weak Grow STRONG

April 5, 2012
By SILVER, Stafford, Virginia SILVER, Stafford, Virginia
9 articles 2 photos 0 comments

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I believe that no matter what, people should be who they are. No body has the right to judge someone else for something they cant help. If you feel the need to judge or change someone, start with yourself.

Sitting in this dark, cold room;
my hands are trembling,
my vision blurring.
What's wrong with me?
My heart's racing,
head pounding.

I reach for a mirror,
and slowly drift to the floor.
Who would want me?
What have I become?
I'm scared with no idea,
no idea where I'm headed.

I feel so lost without you.
Why did this happen?
What did I do?
This, I'll never know,
but I do know this.

The weak grow strong,
and that's what I'll be.
Faded memories,
fading away.
What's left of me will change.
I'll become a better person.

Thank you for making me stronger.

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