Remembrance | Teen Ink


April 5, 2012
By TaneikaW. SILVER, Joliet, Illinois
TaneikaW. SILVER, Joliet, Illinois
6 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The sky is the limit. Just REACH for it!!" :)

Do you remember me? Can you explore your mind to reel back the memories?
Can you feel it; the faint touch of a thought, wanting to be held in your grasp?
Can you hear it; the silent scream beckoning you to it?

All the pieces are there, floating, hovering above you lifelessly.
Connect the scattering dots.
Breathe life into them; bring understanding back.
Can you?
Can you do that for me? Can you save me, or at least what I think I am?

I am no longer who I used to be. I am like you, standing on the outside, trying to help; trying to save me.
But, I am slipping, being sucked into a black hole.
Save me, help me remember.
Time isn’t going to wait for me forever.

Is it too late?
Can I ever remember me?
I’m swimming in a hurricane of forgetfulness.
Can you save me? Do you remember?
Do you remember me?

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