A Farewell to Space Shuttle Columbia | Teen Ink

A Farewell to Space Shuttle Columbia

April 7, 2012
By yiyijessicali SILVER, Gaithersburg, Maryland
yiyijessicali SILVER, Gaithersburg, Maryland
6 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Your tail glowed with the brilliance of a flame,
your beak pointed to clouds beyond the rain,
and everywhere Humanity for you cheered
whilst thee soared above the rainbow without fear;

Upon your wings the crest of homeland shines,
the jocund glee of Eagles with thee reigns
the amber waves of grain beneath your chest,
whilst thee replete the spacious skies with thy bless;

Oh thou Sacred Seiren of our days!
Undaunted by Apophis and his fays,
into the starry night of darkness trod
against the fiery debris and bitter frost!

Then like a goddess awake thou eyes beheld,
the blue watered pearl amongst the crowd
of occult stars, planets, galaxies afar;
the keys to mysteries Men yearned at heart;

And gracefully you pluck away a feather,
upon in words captured the heaven weather,
And cast to Terra with the gentlest blow.
Rejoice! The once hidden truths Men now know!

Thus you return triumphantly to your nest,
one final glance at Earth before you rest,
and down you stoutly plunge into the heat
greeting you with malice once you beat;

Elated Men sound their machines to call,
Our eyes chase your shadow along the wall,
dear angel protect her and her courageous heart
Our eyes glued upon the board where you stopped.

That moment,
when the cursed stone clashed onto your majestic body,
we threw our eyes upon the clock of fate.
Screams! The helpless hands tossed into the air
the tears, the sighs, the grief, the search, the despair.

Along the plains we dug for your remains,
at first in woeful sobs, dismay, and pains.
Then our fingers your divine flesh re-traced,
and piece by piece the taunts the dreads all fade:

Your sisters had since assumed your saintly work,
but now they slumber in Halls of fame with Glory,
the children point to them and eyes adore,
as We fight and carry on your memory;

The songs of your Resolve We all remember,
to explore the sky until Humanity can fly
to the most gorgeous, dashing corners in Our dreams;
and sing the victorious ballads by and by!

The author's comments:
This year marks the 9th anniversary to the tragedy of Space Shuttle Columbia.

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