The Enthralling Outdoors | Teen Ink

The Enthralling Outdoors

March 23, 2012
By AdrianaLucia SILVER, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
AdrianaLucia SILVER, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
5 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Being outside allows me to be free,
Just feeling the soft rain or gentle sun,
Gives me a deep sense of optimism,
Something which I will never relinquish,

Stunning flowers greet me with friendly smiles,
While the branches of trees hug the blue sky,
I feel a warm embrace smothering me,
Mysore body becomes revitalized

Song birds serenade the listening sky,
Filling the fluffy clouds with much delight,
The serene enchantment is enthralling,
Leaving one in the perfect state of mind

How can others resist this nearby bliss?
It is sinful to remain in the house,
When a world is evolving right outside,
A world filled with grace, delight, and myst’ry

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