IT... | Teen Ink


March 23, 2012
dontreallycareboutmyscreenname BRONZE, Clackamas, Oregon
4 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I'd rather leave you behind than drag you along in my madness."

Leave it.
Drop it.
Drag it behind.
Bind it's hands
make it cry.
Anything to silence
your inner destructive violence.
But when I ask
"What is it?"
You pretend not to notice,
you pretend to forget.
And that's when "it" makes me scream,
makes me want to hit walls,
or worst of all, bleed.
I hate "it".....I hate it bad.
With the passion, it drives me mad.

Then one day, over the phone,
you tell me "piss off"
and "leave me alone."
You ignore my words
ignore my calls
I cant help wondering
why it's my fault.

Then I look
at the mirror down the hall
I realize it was me
that made you fall....
You couldn't stand
me being your temptation
you wanted my love
but it was only aggravation.
It was all my fault
your love for me
you wanted to be happy,
so I set you free.

So you lost my number
if that wasn't enough
you lost the temptation
you lost the love.

I hate love....
I hate me....
I hate temptation...
It makes me scream...

I want it to leave
I want to forget...
All this madness,
I hate IT........

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