The Product of One Hotel room and Insomnia | Teen Ink

The Product of One Hotel room and Insomnia

March 31, 2012
By Anonymous

"The Product of One Hotel Room and Insomnia"
The melting crystalline snow trickles down the gutter outside our window,
Masking the sounds of the gray highway.
I hear deep breathing, from my mother,
Rattling snores, from my father.
The clock strikes 1 A.M.
More snoring, deep breathing

like a heart beat.
Breath, snore; breath, snore; breath, snore; breath, snore; breath, snore

in perfect iambic pentameter.

"But when I sleep, in dreams they look on thee,"

Breath, snore; breath, snore; breath, snore; breath, snore; breath, snore.
A sonnet of dreams.
While my dreams lay awake,

filling my head,

splashing on the pages of my notebook.
Melting snow from my mind,
My pen the gutter plip-plopping the letters down

into the street,

the page.
Meanwhile the roaring highway of my fears,
Lies in the background,
Covered by a sonnet of awake dreams,

and dreamed dreams,

and dreams yet to be dreamed.
Free to roam the edges of my conscience,

but afraid of what I will find there.
I sit in silence




The author's comments:
My life's biggest challenge has been controlling my Bi-Polar Disorder. When you have Bi-Polar you go into periods of "manic" where you feel extremely happy, alert, and creative. The best way I can describe it is what I think it would feel like to take a drug that is a stimulant. (I have never taken stimulants nor do I plan to). I wrote this poem during a period when I was manic and, I believe it accurately describes my experience of what it is like to be up all night in a manic phase.

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