Chocolate-Vanilla-Strawberry? | Teen Ink


March 31, 2012
By pk012 BRONZE, Newton, Massachusetts
pk012 BRONZE, Newton, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine if you were ordered
in the flavors of chocolate, vanilla and strawberry
(Strawberry I would definitely choose).

Imagine if you had always to be frozen.
Out-cast in the land of forming ice cubes,
and Green Giant’s frozen peas.

Imagine if when you sat upon your cone
You got licked, then swallowed—
emerging from the other end in a color inevitably chocolate.

Imagine if you were showered with selfish love—
of the taste bud,
Volcanically overflowing with caps—of snow, and Roy G. Biv’s dropplets

Imagine if at the beach you were so insecure
with your enemy glaring at you
That you could not come out of old Granny’s wooden cooler

Imagine if you were nothing cooler than ice-cream.

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