Repition | Teen Ink


April 4, 2012
By S.D.B BRONZE, Elk Rapids, Michigan
S.D.B BRONZE, Elk Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
being wealthy doesn't mean what you have, it means what you don't need.


The snowflakes fall, fall, fall

as it gets colder out

so does my heart, heart, heart.

This man eating bitterness

is literally eating me

alive, alive, alive.

This time of season

is supposed to be jolly

but all I feel is hate, hate, hate.

People lashing out at you

when all you want is a simple

hello, hello, hello.

Love is and always will be the

answer, answer, answer.

So, instead of giving pain

let’s give love and compassion, and friendship.

For we all just want somebody to

love us, us, us.

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