Sweet Liquor Swells | Teen Ink

Sweet Liquor Swells

March 22, 2012
By moneygetcats BRONZE, Templeton, California
moneygetcats BRONZE, Templeton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"live our lives so well, death will tremble to take us"

When family was a jewel,
Dreamless sleep fell
With the ancient windows wide open,
We laid our dark plotted pistols down
On the light sanded beaches,
And blissfully swam in the sea of sweet liquor swells,
And the warm waters everyone bleed their true colors,
Innocents was forgotten
As freedom was embraced
Pure beauty fell,
A bright moon shone
And lifted our spirits as it rose,
And all of a sudden a warm rain would fall
As we wondered, stumbled down the beach,
And the world spun out of control
Wheels spun faster just a block away
Money blew in the wind,
But our family remained a sea drunken jewel

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