The Red Boots | Teen Ink

The Red Boots

March 28, 2012
By Rachel McNally BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
Rachel McNally BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As they glitter in the sun heads turn.
Lacey, cores texture.
Step by step, squeak by squeak
First ever eight-year-old super model!
Light up in the dark like a star in the night sky.
Removed from my feet at night as I slept.
Nothing could replace my red boots.
Even in the summer the boots stayed on.
Sweat filled my shoes but I didn’t care.
Fought to the death for my red boots.
As they stretched and wore.
Life went on and time passed.
One day they ripped and my toes were visible.
Days after I was taken to the shoe store.
Full of new styles and new trends.
My head turned and I hated every choice.
Nothing could replace my red boots.
Not even bribery would work.
Nothing could replace my red boots.
Then I saw it!
Glistening in the lights of the store!
They sat in the corner with a smiling face.
Red boots.
And so the cycle begins again.

The author's comments:
When I was younger I never took off my favorite red boots.

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