The Bells of Columbine | Teen Ink

The Bells of Columbine

April 3, 2012
By KaylieH BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
KaylieH BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The school bells ring, recess and the kids scream,
They scream for excitement for fun.
As they frolic in the wood chips on the iron trees, one plays alone

Never finding his space, never becoming conformed to life.

He grows like a bad seed in the Garden of Eden,
The serpent that deceives and intrigues
They grow, they meet, they plan, and they scheme.

Never believed suspensions, expelled, juvey, threats….
Got every warning…

Every eviction note…
The letters ignored, the websites dissembled
Hide behind “age” Hide behind “Good Behavior”.

Then their minds come together…


Columbine…Shoot them, Dam them.
Dam their God, Drag them to their fake Hell.
The believers, the jocks, the white caps, the Blacks, the Mexicans, the colors…

The staff, the principals, they will all be taken

By the real hand of a God…Us.

The author's comments:
This was part of a poetry montage I did in class about an event in life.

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