SMile again | Teen Ink

SMile again

March 15, 2012
By Ambitious1 BRONZE, St. Petersburg, Florida
Ambitious1 BRONZE, St. Petersburg, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you have no one to encourage you, instead of using that as an excuse for failure, encourage yourself and use that as a reason why you must succeed." ~Kevin Ngo~

Pain an disgust filled his eye looks at her like he's despised thinking of all the lies she has told over the years never would he think his Child that he conceived would have committed such things that even the angriest evilest criminal would look down and frown upon shes sorry she doesn't want to disappoint him but she knows that the things she wants he can no longer give to her in her mind they would all be much more alive if she just died how easy it would be to just end it all guns her father owns an he does leave her alone all it takes is one time to be alone be down in the deepest depression of her life grab the gun sit on the floor pull the trigger and be no more how easy it would be to end the pain so while she bleeds they can smile again

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