A Haunting | Teen Ink

A Haunting

March 27, 2012
By riveraerika GOLD, West Allis, Wisconsin
riveraerika GOLD, West Allis, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
it is not the content of what you write about that makes literature enticing; it is the emotion you place into it

Slumber awakened by the sound of quick feet
Scratching at the walls as if searching for meat
Banging from the basement on a dark rainy night
Ghost she thought but the chances were slight
Ice crept down the length of the spine
Scared of what lurked forward and behind

Silence for the things that creek the night floors
To stare in the face the thing evil did bore
From under the stairs an entity resides
Kinking its fingers with fire in its eyes

Gone was the owner of the little white home
No one ever knew for she lived all alone
How can this exist if she did not survive?
Well I am the one with fire in my eyes

The author's comments:
My house has that old really creepy effect on people. People come to my house but never want to stay because my basement is cold and they always complain that they feel like they are being watched

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