My Prayer | Teen Ink

My Prayer

March 12, 2012
By DancerWriter1998 BRONZE, LasVegas, Nevada
DancerWriter1998 BRONZE, LasVegas, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My heart is falling through an endless ocean
all the hurt you caused leaves me confused.
I now do not know what is left or right, up or down
there is no diversity, all is one color, one shape.

My sunny time of day is filled with anger
all of the bruises and betrayal you left hurts.
All of my anger arose from you not changing for me
you stayed the same for what, to ruin more life’s.

My darkest of day is filled with forgiveness
as my eyes close my heart forgives all wrong done.
As darkness comes all bruises vanish, betrayal wares
my anger turns into empty despair.

The back lash of your mistakes follow me
all I can do is hope you get better.
I have had hatred for a long time only to forgive
my arms were crossed only open later.
I want you to change for yourself,
I wish you could figure out your life.
I want all of your relationships to fuse back together
all of the hurt you caused me is forgiven.

I will never forgive what you did to my angel,
yet I do forgive what happened to me.
Trust has been broken to pieces
but hope for you is in a whole.

My angel hopes for change,
my angel hopes that you change for me.
My heart pleads you help yourself,
my angel wants for my heart to be complete.

I love the lord’s gift of my life,
I love the angel sent to me.
I have loved you forever
yet I do not love your choices.

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