Light and Dark | Teen Ink

Light and Dark

March 28, 2012
By SlamMyPoetry GOLD, Lexington, Kentucky
SlamMyPoetry GOLD, Lexington, Kentucky
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Death is the greatest form of love."-Charles Manson

Long contrasted,
Angels of Life and Death,
Both eerily similar,
Their story somewhat told in the song “Sarabeth”.

When the angels meet,
There is always a clash,
Until one strange day,
Such changed in a flash.

This day two soulmates are found,
One light and the other dark,
They found it peculiar,
When they meet in a soul mart.

Angel of Life and Angel of Death,
Sent to save or buy souls,
Find their one and only,
Then steam like wet hot coals.

They fled together,
To escape their disciplinary fates,
For to be light with dark,
These two can surely not be mates.

So our story is sad,
But ultimately true,
Hate bounds infinite Love,
Which in turn, turns angels blue.

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