And Write | Teen Ink

And Write

March 27, 2012
By Eringobragh GOLD, Charlottesville, Virginia
Eringobragh GOLD, Charlottesville, Virginia
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Call me what you like, I'm taking your cake." (Death Note)

Choose your weapon:
Pen, pencil, keyboard,
Ready your fingers,
Ready your mind,
Ready your words,
Ready your heart,
And write.

Call forth characters:
New, old, forgotten,
The good guy,
The bad guy,
The funny guy,
The damsel,
And write.

Ready your world:
Setting, stage, arena,
A new place,
An old world,
A place you know,
A world you make,
And write.

Prepare your adventure:
Within, without, with friends,
Your journey,
Your quest,
Your experience,
Your story,
And live.

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