Vermillion Skies | Teen Ink

Vermillion Skies

March 27, 2012
By Eringobragh GOLD, Charlottesville, Virginia
Eringobragh GOLD, Charlottesville, Virginia
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Call me what you like, I'm taking your cake." (Death Note)

Paint my world in every color,
Every shade and tone
Paint my mind with thoughts of you,
So I won't be alone.

And paint my skies vermilion.

Trace the lines of duller shades,
And shade away from shadows
Erase smudges of confrontation,
So I won't fight the battles.

And paint my skies vermilion.

Let your paintbrush move itself,
And color outside the lines
Color me so beautiful,
Not just to your eyes, but mine.

And paint my skies vermilion.

Let your paintbrush make new shapes,
In colors so rich in hue
Paint each kiss kaleidoscope
So I see each one on you.

And paint my skies vermilion.

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