Childhood | Teen Ink


March 24, 2012
By Cennidy-forever BRONZE, Bonaire, Georgia
Cennidy-forever BRONZE, Bonaire, Georgia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is like a guitar, when you pluck one sting, you have a note. When you strum you have a rythm, but whenever you do have a melody. Every melody is rejected, but others are out there that actualy appriciate it. That's my view on my life"

Cold chilly mornings,
the Colorado snow building up.

Slipping a foot from under the covers,
Cautiously touching a toe,
onto the frigid wood floors.

Wrapping a plush comforter over the shoulder,
stealthily tip-toeing into the kitchen.

Crawling into the tacky birdhouse chair, turning on the Sunday cartoons.

The pure pleasure of knowing no ones awake, but Bubba.

And curled up softly in between the legs and chair.

The purity of innocence

The author's comments:
These where usualy Sunday morning whenever I was seven. They are my image of me. Before the crap that went down. :)

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