You Get What You See | Teen Ink

You Get What You See

March 14, 2012
By Katie_McCarthy BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
Katie_McCarthy BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She is a girl with a myriad of striped sweaters in assorted colors.
With a satchel strapped across her abdomen,
and a bun placed ever so aimlessly atop her round head,
she walks briskly with her spidery legs
and a slight hunch pulling her towards the earth.
She seems to work hard at school,
but it appears as though she has not a care in the world.
Is this the real Katie, or is it a front?

Sweaters are simply warm and cozy.
While some say horizontal stripes are unflattering,
I believe they are astonishingly attractive.
With wisps of hair hanging in my face,
it is only a matter of time before the bundle
of brown strings gets wrangled and tied into place.
Why the bad posture at such a young age? I blame my flat feet,
but it could be the ten pound bag weighing me down.
I do care, a lot in fact.
Yet, It only takes some good music and a tube of chapstick to make this girl happy.
I am a simple girl,
and You get what you see.

The author's comments:
Inner, Outer Poem for Creative Writing Class

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