A Two-Sided Reflection | Teen Ink

A Two-Sided Reflection

March 14, 2012
By hswanson BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
hswanson BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a one-way mirror, seeing only my current reflection
Not reminiscent, only living for the triumphs of today
Unobservant, unmoved, like a boulder
Nothing tears at my seams, or stitches me apart
I stay bonded together, like a tethered rope
I have a safe haven
Except each day I am trudging on and on,
Like a soldier at war
I find a trench to hide myself into,
Where I ponder the thoughts of the day
Hurt sometimes, but not broken
It is my other reflection that rips me apart
I reveal myself as a two sided-mirror, heavily looking into my past
It is not my current self that I see in my reflection
But something else-
Worn down and broken
Hands pull me down,
To the earth, closer and closer I come
I taste the soil, it is not pleasant
My waves don’t subside, but pull me away from shore
A storm encompasses the sky, everything dark
My thoughts clouded, my mind racing
There is nowhere safe in the middle of the ocean,
I am a prisoner of the sea

The author's comments:
An imitation poem of Sylvia Plath's "Mirror."

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