The Holiday's | Teen Ink

The Holiday's

March 14, 2012
By Anonymous

The cold breath of life greets us
everyone at the same time,
but do we lose the meaning behind with all this corporate greed,
we all graciously open are arms to new accessories and presents,
but is that the real point in christmas.

The lonely soul walking down the road,
endlessly searching for something,
a life he doesn’t have,
a life society deems not worth a care in the world,
somebody else will have to worry about that.

The snow flake that falls on your face,
brings back the memory of that once upon a time winter vacation,
while to him it brings back a reminder to a lost life,
and an empty stomach that’s only heightened by the cold.

This is the holiday season that’s held true in America today,
SO I ask you is it a time to splurge on new items?
Or is it a time to be more thoughtful,
be happy for family and friends,
and rejoice in a year that promises to bring change.

And you with all your flaws,
be happy for what you have,
and never let it go,
because the differences between you in him
in the fabrics of are DNA are nearly identical.

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