Lips of Deception | Teen Ink

Lips of Deception

March 20, 2012
By gingerprincess BRONZE, Wellington, Colorado
gingerprincess BRONZE, Wellington, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Cuz I'm not quote worthy ......
"I am the literary equivalent of a Big Mac and Fries."
Stephen King

Through a land of between
wading in an ocean of sweet grass
crested by the breeze
temple of natural beauty
roots latched on to strength, leaves warmed by hope, weeping to the earth
fruit grown from truth and wisdom, branches stretched out to the future
trunk a beacon of the past
wind whispers a haunted lullaby
mist paints testaments of distant visitors displaying blood stained tears
screaming unheard warnings

I know the curtains will part for me to crumble to my knees
a question to never leave my lips, but my answer enters them
with such a delicious taste
I step forward as an ordinary snow white
as it's spell takes hold

it takes what it wills and wills what it takes
shattering me through truth, wisdom, and price
strings attach to shrapnel of the inner realm of my sacred body
a breathing martinet puppet
through my sad abandoned eyes find the unwritten past, as it wakes in an empty cavity where my heart used to beat with passion

from my lips now trickle seductive truths leading you to wade in an ocean of sweet grass crested by the breeze

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