Release the Branch | Teen Ink

Release the Branch

March 20, 2012
By Jenifer Davis BRONZE, Tallahassee, Florida
Jenifer Davis BRONZE, Tallahassee, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Languid as a lizard- baking
In the rays of the desert sun-
I craved content in
Your love.
Yearning as the ocean tides- aching
For the sway, the pull,
The compel of the moon- I wanted
Your attention.
You were God.
I was Creation.
Your face-
So sweet, so kind, so loving-
Belayed my Soul with yours.
Turn your face to me
That I might see life.

But to look too long
Proved painful.
But too much of your presence
And I was torrid, swirling-

Bleak as a naked tree,
You tumbled from Grace.

You were never the sun.
You were never the moon.
Your careful constructions of reality-
Once impregnated
My Ego.
Fault lines too large to ignore
Shook my sentience into
Your promises

Unloving, unyielding- I am steadfast.
You- who were once
Protector, guardian- are the object of
My pity.
Cling to me.

Release the branch, and
Grasp for the root.

The author's comments:
When I was twelve years of age, my parents filed for divorce. At the time, I did not have the mental faculties needed to properly cope with my own feelings. Drowning in her own self pity, my mother was no longer a mom; constantly denying any guilt, my father was no better source for comfort. Neither wanted to hear how terribly angry and hurt I was by this, so I said nothing. This poem was inspired by the turmoil of our relationships.

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