me, myself, and I | Teen Ink

me, myself, and I

March 15, 2012
By HannahD GOLD, Fort Wayne, Indiana
HannahD GOLD, Fort Wayne, Indiana
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life a champion."-Muhammad Ali

The harsh rocks and stones shoot
up all around me,
I am alone.

My mind says stop-
my body continues on,
leaving me alone with my own

My heart is racing,
the tension is building.
The inner turmoil

My breath becomes heavy and dry,
my head becomes cloudy-
The wind on my face,
soothes the pain.

My body aches,
My mind pleads for it to stop.
Yet- with a steady pace,
it carries on.

I am running.

I am not running away from my
problems- but
am running towards my future-
right now all I have is
me, myself, and I

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