Fabric Fading | Teen Ink

Fabric Fading

February 27, 2012
By Michelle Pellegrino BRONZE, Saint Charles, Missouri
Michelle Pellegrino BRONZE, Saint Charles, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Standing against the gray-black
of the decaying rooftop,
the stranded chocolate boys
look into the sky
with angry, helpless faces.

“The water is rising Pleas”
is written in smeared white paint.
Does the missing “e” show
the boys’ lack of knowledge?
Their innocent youth?
Does the missing “e” show
that the boys ran out of paint,
crucial supplies, support?
Is the missing “e”
not really missing at all?
Does it show that these
chocolate boys have pleas:
a plea for helping hands?

Against the gray of the rooftop,
against the chocolate skin,
against the white of the paint,
the red, white, and blue
of an American flag sparkles.

One boy stands back from the others,
waving the sparkling flag
in his hands. Frantically,
he twirls the fabric
desperately sending a sign.

But his arms are getting tired.
He is alone.
The others stand away.

Another American flag lies
in a lonely, deserted pile
on the gray-black,

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