Long Distance | Teen Ink

Long Distance

March 9, 2012
By 12baxterd BRONZE, Gilford, New Hampshire
12baxterd BRONZE, Gilford, New Hampshire
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Pain, like a burning arrow,
Pierces my heart until it bleeds
With tribulation.
This bleeding, not only exists in my heart,
But in my brain, until I wash away your resentful image
With its red tint.

Pleasure, like raging waters,
Swelled my most inner soul until it now burst
With re-creation,
Creating this love that we have known for so long,
But rejecting the incessant need for
Your touch.

Absence, like ripped paper,
Tears me limb from limb
With desperation.
My hands, longing for yours, are denied your touch,
And no matter how I stretch my bindings
The distance grows.

Faith, like a rising flame,
Consumes my mind
With anticipation;
Anticipation that someday
Some glorious day,
You will return to me.

The author's comments:
I am currently struggling with a long distance relationship. Being this far away from the person I love literally tears me apart.

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