Tick Tock | Teen Ink

Tick Tock

March 9, 2012
By Dandaman BRONZE, Gilford, New Hampshire
Dandaman BRONZE, Gilford, New Hampshire
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Time to wake up.
Breakfast is ready and it is seven o'clock.
I rush to gobble up my food, ready for a day of quality education,
But the car keys decide to play
A game of hide-and-go seek.
Almost late, I find them slumbering
In the darkest reaches of my pockets.
Finally made it, I hear the bell ringing in my ears.
Just six more hours and I will be able to rest again in
My shelter, or so I think.
"Students, please do problems 1-99 and don't forget you have
A test tomorrow on chapters 11-13". Just when I thought I was safe-
More homework. It is now 3:00 and the sound of the bell, once evil transforming into joy.
I hear Braveheart and how William Wallace yells "FREEDOM!"

Nine o'clock and I have missed dinner yet again.
This dreadful homework will not stop torturing me.
My eyelids droop, my mind ceases to function for the night.
I turn off the lights.
To my dreadful delight the first thing I hear is RIIIIINNNNNGGGG.
I look at the clock and it is six in the morning. Barely waking up,
I repeat the same procedure I have for the last eight years.

Five days a week, from dawn to dusk is too much.
Time is my currency depleting ever so slowly.
There must be a way out of this perpetual maze.

Today, I think I will take a different path
With hope of finding something new.
Tick Tock.

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