A Pond | Teen Ink

A Pond

March 9, 2012
By Ryan Wilson BRONZE, Medford Lakes, New Jersey
Ryan Wilson BRONZE, Medford Lakes, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Reflective and expansive and refreshing and impressive. Admittedly, this natural wonder impresses the very receptors of our brains, does it not? It supports more life than anything. It supports the life that we kill. It lies in almost a sort of bowl carved by nature’s powers and houses more than an apartment complex and brings to life more than an entire congregation of breeding humans. It is the only natural wonder I know of that reflects our world but also is an entire world in itself. It is life’s elixir for so many things and it is also is their home and their provider.
It is not only reflective in the literal sense for it creates permanent reflections of the destructive actions that humans impose upon nature. In it floats chains of litter like train tracks which lead turtles and waterfowl to their deaths. All aboard. Oil and other chemicals like poison allow for death to creep easily into countless organisms’ bodies and make huge sections of living space uninhabitable for all who live there. Imagine New York City after a nuclear attack and subsequent fallout. This once prosperous city would cease to be. We as humans have nuked countless ponds with our man-made poisons. Why not put crossbones and a skull next to the word pond in our dictionary?
We need to clean up our act, my fellow humans. Let us start with the man in the mirror, or in this case, the man in the pond’s reflection.

The author's comments:
Nature is beautiful and our actions ugly.

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