Different Love | Teen Ink

Different Love

March 11, 2012
By Anonymous

Thump, thump! Thump, thump!
How is this happening to me?
It can’t be! Ishouldn't’t be!
My heart has never beaten this loud or this fast before.
My words have never been caught in my throat before.
My hands have never sweated this much before.
And my ears have never grown so hot before.
Thump, thump! Thump, thump!
Why is this happening to me?
It doesn’t need to be! It doesn’t have to be!
I always have words!
I always have witty remarks!
I’m never caught off guard!
I’m never rendered speechless!
Girls stare at me with admiration
At the way I can converse so easily with boys.
And boys enjoy flirting with me because
I always talk and flirt back.
But here I am, speechless, scared, sweaty, and cold.
Here I am, staring in his eyes, wishing I knew what to say next.
Here I am, smiling like a complete idiot because he smiles like an angel.
He’s not the boy that all girls fall in love with.
He’s not the boy that flirts with me
Just because he knows that I’ll flirt back.
He’s the boy that makes me always smile.
He’s the boy that I dream about at night.
He’s the boy that makes me who I really am.
He’s the boy that I have fallen completely, hopelessly, and totally in love with.
Thump, thump! Thump, thump!
What has happened to me? How could it happen to me?
Who knows and who cares?
I’m in love! It’s happened!
Why should I question it?
I can’t answer it anyway!
Remember, I’m speechless!
Love has done this to me!
And I can honestly say that I don’t care!

The author's comments:
This was written after I discovered something about me and this boy. I wasn't exactly 'in love' as I have put in this article. But, there was something different about the way our relationship was going. He wasn't like the other boys that I had 'crushes' on. It took a really long time for me to finally think of him as anything more than a good buddy. But when it happened, it was crazy and wonderful and confusing and perfect. He still doesn't know about my feelings for him but I hope there will come a day when I can find the right courage to do so.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 12 2012 at 8:19 pm
nickykens ELITE, Draper, Utah
134 articles 2 photos 85 comments
Gahh I love this!  You captured the feeling so perfectly... I had the same experience; being able to flirt with anyone else and then you meet that one boy and all words leave.  It's scary, but exciting because then you know he's something special.  This is so cute because you can feel the excitement.  I didn't like all the exclamation points at first, but I grew to like them and at the end I realized the played a big part in the giddy feeling of the poem.  Good job.