I Lost It | Teen Ink

I Lost It

March 8, 2012
By Haley2012 BRONZE, Weaver, Alabama
Haley2012 BRONZE, Weaver, Alabama
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I lost it.
I am irrevocably in love.
Nobody can make me laugh,
Make me cry, the way that you can.
I hold you tight during the night.
Forever, together our souls are linked
I will always love you.
Together, forever, you will stay
In my heart you are.
Even though the words seem wrong
They are continually coming
Like a landfall, I lost it.
I met you in my illusion
My heart beats for only you.
I have many more miles
This journey seems so long.
The pain is relentless.
But there is no backing out
Then, I lost it.

The author's comments:
I wrote this when I was feeling bad about myself and when I felt like nobody was there for me. It is also about my real mother and how she left me but she is slowly coming back into my life.

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