The Undefeated | Teen Ink

The Undefeated

March 10, 2012
By tdunn0912 SILVER, Madison, Alabama
tdunn0912 SILVER, Madison, Alabama
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The mind won't erase what the heart won't forget."
-The Station Myth

The pitcher winds up...
He throws...
Another swing...
Another miss.

Fait pitches another no-hitter.
No-one seems to be able to tell what he'll throw next.
Never a fast ball; that's for sure.

He seems to only throw 300mph curve balls.
The second you blink...
Another one hits the catcher's glove.

Now you got it.
The timing on his unhittable curve.
There's no way you can miss.

The pitcher winds up...
He throws...
Another swing...
Another miss.

Of course.
The second you figure out his curve ball.
He throws a fast ball.

The second you realize it's always a trick.
Is the same second he serves it to you as straight as they come.

The pitcher winds up...
He throws..........

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