Upside down and no where to go. | Teen Ink

Upside down and no where to go.

February 28, 2012
By Anonymous

Everything is upside down and there is nowhere to go. Everything is getting worse. I am slowly crumbling and falling apart at the seems. No one gets it, I feel all alone. I am being completely quiet and acting fine on the outside but on the inside I'm screaming and crying and begging for answers and wondering why everything in my world is upside down. Why is there no way out. I've already gone through so much. How much pain can any one person be subjected to before anything gets better? How many times will I have to cry myself to sleep and wake up instantly regretting the day before I am okay? Everything is upside down and there is no where to go there isn't even someone to go to. I feel completely alone in this. I've never walked down a hall filled with kids and felt completely alone. I've never felt so down on myself, so insignificant, so depressed before. It's making me physically sick. There is no where to go, no way out and everything is upside down. There is no words for this, and it has never gotten so bad before. I can't even eat. Everything is upside down. People are cruel, my confidence is shattered. My emotions are conflicted. EVERYTHING IS UPSIDE DOWN! The worst part is, is that there is no where left to go.

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